Category: News

5th Grade demonstrate their scientific knowledge in video form!
December 10, 2018December 10, 2018

5th Grade demonstrate their scientific knowledge in video form!

Stop Motion: The 5th grade students at RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary were tasked with researching a food web that included a producer, a consumer, the sun and a decomposer. With this information, students were asked to create a model of the food web in a stop motion animation, using their chromebooks and a little creativity. The following is...

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 3
December 3, 2018December 3, 2018

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 3

Happy December! Gloves and Mittens Needed If anyone wants to donate gloves or mittens for the colder weather, that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Reading and Writing    .  I attached a few photos showing what some of our students in first grade and fifth grade have been working on with their reading and writing....

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 26
November 26, 2018November 26, 2018

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 26

I hope all of you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. It will be nice to see everyone back at school on Monday. I included a photo of some delicious cookies that some of our 5th grade students made with Special Education Teacher, Judy Lyons. Once a month, some students at our school make dessert for...