JSS News 10.6.17

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The Power of Our Words

We hope that you’ve had a chance to see the bulletin display in the front hallway – and perhaps have been able to read the legend explaining what’s behind it. If not, here it is:

This display is a result of an NEF-funded PLC (Professional Learning Community), based on the Responsive Classroom that took place last spring. Members are the PLC were Ms. S(chipilette), Ms. Dot, Ms. Deirdre, Ms. Raymer, Mrs. Reed, Ms. Malynoski, and Ms. Agna. We used the book from Responsive Classroom called The Power of Our Words by Paula Denton. This guide to the use language—words, tone, and pace—to increase student engagement, helps to build a positive classroom community, and more effectively manage behavior. The Power of Our Words advocates a sensible approach to teacher language that is backed by research and proven through decades of successful practice in elementary classrooms nationwide.

Members of the PLC brainstormed the words that we use at JSS that are “powerful” and also help to develop a “growth mindset”. We asked the students to then illustrate these words. The bulletin board has the words, with pictures – as well as the WELCOME signs in multiple languages interspersed.

Please jot down any comments or questions you might have. Thank you for taking the time to read this and our display!

The JSS Responsive Classroom PLC
