Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 2

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 2

Photos this week show some of our students performing in our annual music concert at the end of March. Stomp-ish was the theme, and the students were making music with all sorts of different items. It was such a fun concert, and we had a great crowd!


Other photos show some of our students and families having a great time at Family Math Night! It was a great evening of fun for all.

The other photo shows one of our 5th graders with a bird of prey when expert Tom Ricardi came to share his knowledge and his birds.


Grade 3 (ELA):  April 4 & April 11

Grade 4 (ELA):  April 3 & April 10

Grade 5 (ELA):  April 5 & April 12

Grade 3 (Math):  May 2 & May 9

Grade 4 (Math):  May 4 & May 8

Grade 5 (Math):  May 3 & May 10

Grade 5 (Science):  May 15 and May 17

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Friday, April 13 at 9:15: Dance Off! Also, we will have Crazy Hat/Hair Day!
  • April 16-20: Spring Vacation

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal