Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of October 28

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of October 28

Parent Conferences

It was wonderful to see so many parents at our conferences last week! Please stay in touch with teachers if you have any concerns or appreciations. Our teachers here work very hard to meet the needs of the wonderful learners in their classrooms. Our partnership with parents helps to nurture progress and happiness at school. 

If you were unable to make it to your conference, please contact your child’s teacher. 

Family Photos

I hope you were able to check out the wonderful family photos in the lobby that our fabulous ESP (Educational Support Professionals) worked on last week. I attached a photo. What a creative and cooperative group of people we have! If you were unable to get a family photo taken at Open House and want one in our tree display, we can take one at school (let me know when you will be here in advance so we can make sure to be available for a photo) or send one in, and we can add it to the group!

No Electronics

Please do not send electronic devices to school. If your child needs to bring a phone or other device to school to communicate with you before or after school, they can keep it safely in the office or out of site in backpacks. If we see a device we will keep it in the office until the end of the day. 


We will have our traditional Parade of Kindergarteners on Halloween at 10:15. No other costumes should be sent or worn at school. BUT everyone is welcome to dress up (no weapons, please) for our annual Halloween Party on Friday, November 1 from 6-8! It is always a fun night! Thank you to parent, Lauren Fleit for being the party planner!

Don’t forget to have your children Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! Boxes can be returned to school.


This week’s photos show some of the beautiful fall days we have been on our playground. Four square is always a big hit. Second graders are seen learning about bees on a recent trip to Crimson and Clover Farm, 5th graders are hearing from veterinarian leaders (and a dressed-up dog!) for our Community Calendar project, second graders are using many tools for math, and third graders are enjoying books. This is just a small sampling of the learning and fun that goes on here every week!

Important Upcoming Dates

Friday, November 1: PTO Halloween Party 6:00-8:00

Tuesday, November 5: No School (Teacher Work Day)

Tuesday, November 5: Our 5th graders leave for Nature’s Classroom (returning on Friday!)

Monday, November 11: No School (Veterans Day)

Friday, November 15 at 6:00: Movie Night 

Wednesday, November 27: Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Holiday (return to school on 

December 2)

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal