Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 20

Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 20

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

I am so thankful to our wonderful families at R.K. Finn Ryan Road School!!

Happy Retirement, Mr. Owen!

Bill Owen, our kind and thoughtful School Adjustment Counselor, will be retiring at Thanksgiving. We will all miss his calm, good humor, and steady devotion to our school community. The PTO bought him a bench for the lobby. I attached a photo of our Student Leadership Team presenting it to him last Friday. There is also a photo of our Student leadership Band playing Happy Birthday to Mr. Owen. We had a nice celebration.

Mrs. Brown will be our new Adjustment Counselor, and she will be starting with us today. She has many years of experience working in the Holyoke Public Schools.

Movie Night

We had a great crowed for our PTO Movie Night last Friday. It was a fun night and everyone seemed to enjoy The Emoji Movie with friends and popcorn! Our next movie night will be January 19.

The other photos of are some of our kindergarten turkey creations (such beautiful feathers!), a first grade pilgrim, and Mr. Ted with some of our first graders on a hike near our school.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, November 22: Early Dismissal (12:20) for the Thanksgiving break
  • Thursday, November 30 5:30-7:00 (continuous seating): R.K. Finn Ryan Road Spaghetti Supper at the Elks! Proceeds will go to the PTO’s Nature’s Classroom Fund.
  • Wednesday, December 5 6:30-7:30: Kindergarten Information Night (for next year’s kindergarten)
  • Wednesday, December 6: Early Dismissal (12:20) Teacher Work Day
  • Friday, December 15: Pajama Day (sponsored by the Student Leadership Team) with requested donations to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund
  • Thursday, December 21: Winter Solstice & last day of school before the holiday vacation
  • Tuesday, January 2: School Resumes.

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal